2017, Wildfire in Portugal, 8 days, 64 death, 135 injured.
2018, California, 7,579 bushfires swept through almost 7,000 square kilometers.
2019, Forest fire in the Amazon, with more than 74,000 outbreaks, the growth rate of fires compared to the previous year was 83%, 7,069,800 hectares destroyed, according to the Brazilian government agency INPE.
2020, Fire in Australia, more than 10 million hectares razed to the ground
Which are the reasons to the wildfires increase?
Christopher Williams of Clark University in Massachusetts explains that: "Climate change, in addition to bringing drier and warmer air, creates more flammable ecosystems by increasing the rate of evaporation and the frequency of droughts.”
On the other hand Michel Vennetier points out; "Plants that like humidity disappear and are replaced by other plants that withstand drought better, such as rosemary, thyme, wild lavender, which are more flammable".