Why these concepts are so important to us nowadays? Rural tourism, ecological tourism, sustainable development… And why should i have to familiarize you with them? The answer it’s much more important than it seems at first glance. But first, let’s clarify the basic concepts establishing the precise coordinates of this crucial issue for and fundamentally, to future generations, our children, and their children ad infinitum
Ecotourism is the visit that, during the journey or stay in places different from the usual environment, is made in rural areas or natural places, so it is also called rural tourism or ecological tourism.
Sustainable Development
While sustainable development refers to the measures taken today with respect to the use of natural resources in such a way as to achieve the economic and social development of the present population, while ensuring both the maintenance and the preservation of those resources for future generations.
Why these concepts are so important nowadays?
First of all, because behind of those concepts there is something much more important than mere linguistic terms, it’s about LIFE ITSELF.
And within this reality we must bear in mind, and more so in Mexico, that tourism is currently an important source of revenues around the world, to the point that some call it "the silent industry". A fact that a city like Puerto Vallarta, one of the most touristy cities in the world, can not fail to kip in mind.
Today, global warming is at the centre of the world scene, as the temperature that is rising around the planet year after year cannot be stopped. And this is a consequence of the increase in the emission of CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) due to the frightening growth of the global economy, developing technological advances with a speed superior to the awareness of how to exploit them economically in a sustainable development project.
Researchers have developed methods to calculate a tree's CO2 consumption, simplifying, as the data varies by tree species and other conditions, that a tree roughly absorbs the carbon dioxide emitted by 1,000 to 10,000 cars per day.
While the formidable power of trees to consume CO2 is very good news, the fact is that the increase in CO2 emissions in 2019 made the goal of limiting the growth of global warming as projected in the Paris (climate) agreement impossible, so some have called it "the year of disaster".
Not everything is bad news. The speed of the increase in CO2 emissions has "slowed down", which is a victory, but there is no reason to relax, if not the opposite. Because we are far from enough.
That is why we must promote ecological tourism, or rural tourism, with controlled CO2 emissions and protected areas, preserving our green and valuable lungs, visiting these earthly paradises within pre-established limits. Promoting sustainable development, so necessary for the immediate future generations.
Together we do more!
For Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, and for all humans future, promote ecotourism. A mesage from Xtreme Jaguar, a group committed to ecology and sustainable development.
Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico, 2020.