The covid-19 has set off alarms in Mexico and around the world. Please read our security measures carefully and continue to enjoy our services.
Use of facemask
- Mandatory for staff at all times.
- Mandatory for customers during transport to and from the Ranch.
- Mandatory for customers when due to the nature of
the activity, the distance between persons will be
less than 6 feet. Social Distancing should be
practiced at all other times.
Use of gel
- Mandatory for staff at the beginning and end of the work day.
- Mandatory for staff ate the beginning and end of any activity.
- Mandatory for staff to bring with them a supply of gel during each activity, so that they and any customer may use at any given time as required.
- Mandatory for staff any time they touch a surface prone to transmit the disease.
- Mandator for customers before boarding the Van, before the start of their activity and before the start of their return trip back to the hotel.
- Mandatory for customers at the beginning and end of any activity.
- Mandatory for customers before proceeding to the pool or restaurant areas.
- Mandatory for customers before and after using the
Temperatre check
- Every member of staff must check their temperature before checking in each morning and will only be allowed to come to work if the reading is below 100 degres Fahrenheit.
- Mandatory for each customer before boarding the Van or upon arrival to the ranch in case they get there on their own.
- Mandatory for each customer before boarding the Van for return to their hotel, to make sure they continue showing signs of good health.
- Mandatory for any staff member of customer who
presents any symptoms during their stay at the ranch.
Use of transport vehicles
- The Van must be disinfected with wipes before the beginning of each day, before pickup up more customers between tours, before allowing customer back on the vehicle for return to their respective hotel and at the end of the work day.
- The Van will have a mat that will be placed outside with disinfectant, so that all customers disinfect their soles before boarding.
- Boarding into the Van will be done in an orderly fashion, always maintaining a safe distance and will not begin until all passengers have taken the required measures and using a face mask.
- The driver will always have a face mask and should maintain a distance of at least 6 feet with all passenger, including during greeting and at time of drop off.
- Seat assignments will be according to social distancing guidelines.
- If the group of passengers is from the same family or household, they may sit together.
- When customers from different groups are to board the Van, there should always be an empty seat between passengers.
- Maximum number of passengers while Social Distancing guidelines apply is of 9 personas, including the driver; and, no one may seat with him in the front bench.
- Regardless of all the mandatory measures described
above, at all times the Van must be equipped with
face masks, gel, thermometer and gloves, in case
any customer wishes to take extra measures or did
not bring with him any such item.
About the Activities
- Priority will be given upon booking to groups of the same family and/or household.
- In case of customers from different households, each
activity will be limited to 4 passengers per group.
Should there be more than that, we will split into two
groups, each one with their own guide.
- Any customer who wishes can request a private tour
if they want to minimize the risk of acquiring the virus
(restrictions apply).
- Any customer who has reserved a combo and/or more than one activity in the same day, and when viable due to the nature of the activity, they will stay with the same guide originally assigned to them.
- When needed, tour times will be restricted to assure that there will be enough time in between them to properly disinfect all areas and equipment prior to the start of a new activity.
- To minimize the risk of infection, it will not be allowed
for Tour Guides to take pictures with customer’s cell
phones. They may do so using their own devices,
later on they may send the images or videos via
whatsapp or email to customers.
Staff vehicles
- Before boarding, staff must perform a temperature check, were a face mask and use gel to thoroughly disinfect their hands.
- Same procedure applies any time they are in transit to and from the ranch, not only at the beginning and end of each working day; but also, during the day if it was the case.
High Contact Surfaces
- Handles, Windows, safety belts, dashboard and A/C controls, ratio and safety gear must be disinfected as often as required along the day, in regards to the number of tours that particular day and in the minimum, before and after each time they go out with customers.
ATV, bikes, horse saddles, hiking gear, protection gear
- Must be disinfected before the start of any working
day, after each time they are used by someone
different and at the end of the day.
- Must be disinfected at the start of each working day, each time they are emptied by a customer to allow the use by someone else, and at the end of the day
- Kitchen Area must be fully sanitized at the beginning and end of each working day.
- Barn Area must be fully sanitized at the beginning and end of each working day.
- Tables must be fully sanitized at the beginning and end of each working day and each time a customer leaves and the table may be used by someone else.
- Tables will be asigned following social distancing
guidelines and only 4 people wil be allowed in the
same table, unless they are from the same family
and/or household.
- Contact surfaces in the pool must be sanitized at the
beginning and end of each working day and each
time a customer leaves and the pool may be used by
someone else.
Common Areas
- They must be sanitized at the beginning and end of each working day and any time a customer leaves and someone else might be using them.
- Must be disinfected at the start of each working day, each time they are used, and at the end of the day.
- A bucket will be provided in which customers may deposit their tips without touching any surfaces and/or touching a member of the staff.
- The money and the bucket will be disinfected at the beginning and end of each working day, as well as each time someone removes the money.
Come and enjoy everything the Sierra Madre has to offer! Check out our options, book your tour and start the adventure.